Friday, February 06, 2009

When your gone I sleep lenghtwise...

Have you heard that song by Phish. The one that talks about, "When your there I sleep lenghtwise, when your gone I sleep sideways in my bed"? Well, I was thinking about that song, and it is true. I sleep differently depending on who is in my bed with me. I decided to illustrate my sleeping patterns for you. (This isn't my bed, and yes this my personal doodle talent)

Joseph and I in bed.

Yo'sea sleeping with us.
Sleeping win this wierd protective arch
around the baby.
By myself.

How do you sleep?


Crystal said...

I sleep exactly like you. Except when the kids' limbs are long enough that I find feet in my face. Then they are properly evicted from sleeping with us.

elesa said...

Oh gosh! In that last picture where you are by yourself it looks like you are having a nightmare!! Oh No!

Alona said...

I'm a lengthwise sort of girl . . . all the time! I love your drawings! :)

Andrea, Mrs. said...

I think my favorite part is Joseph with the hat on. Heheheheh.....

I sleep smack in the middle of the bed when Mark isn't in it with me. I take up as much of the bed as I can. Sometimes that includes sleeping diagonally, sometimes sprawling.

I like the "arch" too. Silly love birds!

Nakki said...

I sleep in all those positions. All in one night!

rocky and rachel said...

jojo! i love that song! i sing it all of the time! rocky is leaving for 5 months, so i will be sleeping diagonal all the time.

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