Thursday, February 19, 2009

The 6-6-6 Tag

The Challenge is to go to your picture folder on your computer. Find the 6th folder. (If you are having a hard time locating it, remember, look AFTER number 5.) Go to the 6th picture of the 6th folder. Post the picture on your blog and describe it. Pass the challenge on to 6 friends. Link to them on your blog and let them know they've been challenged.

Thanks for the tag Elisa! I accept! And here it is:
This is a pic of Joseph's late Grandfather and Grandma Edna (Who we are currently living with). It looks like Grandma Edna is crying but really she is laughing out loud. :) We were at a birthday party, for a family member, and since everyone was around they wanted pics of Grandma and Grandpa. As the pictures were snapping, someone yells, "Beso, Beso" (Kiss, kiss) This is where Grandpa swoops in to give his wife a big wet one, leaving Grandma as happy as ever. AHHH, love isn't it wonder!


Crystal said...

Ha! Cute! This is one of the best 6th picture posts I've seen so far.

Nakki said...

So thats what grampa looks like. Awww....sad.

Joy said...

Oh, so cute. Great memory too.

elesa said...

That picture is great!

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