Friday, February 13, 2009

Food Storage: Everyone is doing it!

So I have been feeling the food storage bug. I have heard since i was child to get a food storage going. While living with my parents I didn't bother, while in college I knew BYU had enough to sustain all of us going to school, while single I knew I could just eat Ramen Noodles for a year if I needed too, while first married I thought, "where can I store food while we are in a small apartment". Now that I have a lil'one of my own, I realize it it my duty to make sure there is something for our little girl to live on if, for some reason we can't get to the grocery stores, or we can't afford food, or some natural disaster blows through. I have seen several times inmy life were peopel have had to live off there food storage. Not for a year, but for a week at a time. Believe me they were THANKFUL.

So now that I think I should start a food storage, what do I do? Where do I start? What am I suppose to do with bulk wheat or bulk cans of food? All of that sounded expensive and overwhelming. UNTIL>... I found this nifty list. It is a list of getting your food storage for 2 on just $5.00 a week!

Now this is something I can do. A list, with easy to buy items. I decided to see what I have already and mark those weeks off. Then start after that doing my $5.00 a week. WHo is with me?! Let's do this. :) !!

P.S. The other thing, I don't have room for a YEAR of food storage right now. But I heard an idea of a girl who bought luggage from DI and started putting the beginning of her food storage in that luggage. That is what I am going to do. JUST to start. Plus, if we have to run, then I can just grab what we go! :)


Crystal said...

That webpage you referenced is a great resource. Thanks!

I also found a blog that walks you through all kinds of cool stuff pertaining to food storage:

One thing I've done is write out the meals we typically eat and tally up the number of ingredients we would need to make those meals X amount of times in a year. IE: spaghetti 24 times a year would need approx. 24 jars of sauce, so each time I go shopping I buy a couple of extra until I have 24 jars stored up at home. Once I reach the desired amount of any ingredient I try and maintain that amount through rotations.

Okay, this is turning into a novel.

Josh and Tawnya Begay said...

yes.. do food storage!!!! The lord will bless you in your efforts, even if they are small, but by starting out small.. great things do come to pass.... and you never know.. you just might hit an awesome sale. We started our food storage in k-town and by the time we left we had plenty, and it was all done with the small amount of money we had.. (too bad we could not take it, but it makes me feel good that my parents will have storage).

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post!I have always struggled with food storage. Where do I start? What do I need, etc. That link was great! It is my goal to get my food storage fully functional this year!

elesa said...

Ooh, thank you for that list. I am ready to start too, and that list is just what I need. Hooray for being prepared!

Jim Family said...

good post! i love food getting my food storage stocked up. it gets addicting. i found this website its by a girl in utah who compares the ads from the local grocery stores and tells you if it is cheaper to buy from the grocery stores or from walmart/costco. anyway, this website gives you TONS of food storage tips, recipes, etc. shes awesome. might help ya out!!! good luck. if you have any questions, let me know. i am ALWAYS researching and working on my food storage.

Ticklemedana said...

there's a guy in my ward who has his food storage and he stacked it all up, draped a sheet over it and uses it his TV stand in his room...LOL...and I love that list of stuff to buy! it's so daunting to think about that stuff when you don't have a ton of money but I bet I can half it and have enough storage for one...=) and you baby girl is so stinkin cute! I love how much hair she has...=)

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