Friday, February 06, 2009

Laundry In the wind

There is something relaxing about hanging clothes up on a clothesline.

Maybe because I'm outside, or that the lifting and pinning of clothes is a nice easy stretch. Possible, it helps me feel like I am getting something accomplished because I can see each item I hang leave the basket. What ever it is.
I really enjoy hanging laundry to Dry.


Laura said...

As a clothes hanging expert let me suggest you hang tshirts by the bottom of the shirt and not by the shoulders, that way you can double up on clothes pegs by linking 2 shirts with one peg AND you won't stretch the shoulders of the tshirt.

I do love hanging my clothes out too :)

elesa said...

And look how cute all the tiny little clothes are!

Nava_jo said...

Laura great advice! I will defiantly try it, and I usually double up clothes to use less pins, but I didnt' have a large load so each got there own pin. LUCKY Clothes!

Elesa- The tiny clothes are cute! When you throw clothes in the drying, you don't get the chance to see the cuteness

Crystal said...

So peaceful. Cute teeny clothes.

Alona said...

I love it too! It's too bad I live in the world's worst humidity. Maybe someday I'll head back out west! I second Laura's t-shirt advice. I do it that way myself!

Maleina said...

I to hang tee shirts upside down but I dreaded, and I mean DRREEAADDDEDDD! that chore growing up. I always seemed to be dripping more then the wet clothes and in the end it would rain or be to humid for them to dry and they would get thrown in a dryer anyway! But I do remember when I was really young my mom hanging our sheets outside and I loved when a big wind would come and catch them as we ran through they were like big sails!

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