Monday, February 16, 2009

Yo'sea is Two months old

So our little girl is now two months old. The time has flow by FAST.
She has learned a variety of things in the last two months

  • She is starting to hold her head up really well
  • She actually is interested in her toys on her bouncer
  • Sleeping 5-6 hours a night
  • Coo's and is smiling.
  • She has grow two inches
  • Weighs 11 pounds and five ounces.
  • She is awake for most of the day, so I get to spend alot of time with her.
  • She wakes up when daddy leaves and the morning and when he comes home in the afternoon.
  • Dad gets more smiles then Mom. NO FAIR|!
We love her to death, and excited to see what the future has in store for her. Joseph and I feel lucky to be her parents. Now for an onslaught of pics...


Josh and Tawnya Begay said...
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Josh and Tawnya Begay said...

just so cute and already two months.. we need to see her soon...cause sooner or later she is going to be 6 months. she sure is a cutie..

carly said...

She is sooo dang cute! Cherish every moment, as you already know, they grow up so fast. I think that Wesley gets cuter every day. Hopefully that won't change when he becomes a teenager =)

elesa said...

She has the sweetest face ever!

Crystal said...

CUTE!!! And look at all that HAIR!

Lainaholo 'Ohana said...

She's beautiful, Jo! Thanks for the updates with the pics...I LOVE seeing how little babies grow sooooo quickly...

Kamey Jean Hope said...

I think she is so adorable. It brings back memories of when my Katelynn was little like that. She had so much hair, defiantly not that much but enough to be fun to due. I bet your very proud of her. Because she is very sweet.

Josh and Tawnya Begay said...

hehehe.. your mom and dad said I hope she's not already eating that!!! Although we figure Joseph was teasing her..

Nakki said...

I love my niece!!! Too bad I didn't get to see her this weekend...but I will this coming weekend! :)

Kao said...

She is darling!! She has more hair than my 13 month old!

Harold said...

i know, just awesome pictures. growing so fast, same as montys baby and adrians baby. you guys are going a wonderful job as parents.

Cathy Duffy said...

JO! SHE IS SO CUTE!! i wish i could see her in person!!

Lori Arthur said...


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