Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Snack Time

I can not get enough of this delicious snack.

Here is the recipe..
1. Place a layer of chips on the play
2. Sprinkle a thin layer of graded cheese over the chips
3. Then drop a bit of salsa so each chip is touched by it's goodness (be careful to not over soak the chips. we don't want them soggy.)
4. Repeat until you have a mound of deliciousness.
5. Microwave.

I would eat this everyday, if I could. The best salsa is home made salsa, if you don't have the time or the will to make it home made. Then my other favorite salsa is the Pace Picante and the Walmart brand. Enjoy! And my you never hunger.


elesa said...


Nakki said...

"And my you never hunger"...uh, yeah! This is why I eat. j/k This always reminds me of Josh. I'm pretty sure this was this after school staple. Its less healthy but I like the bottled, process, liquid cheese spread better!

Harold said...

great. now i'm hungry again. can't eat them until saturday afternoon. got a long run tomorrow. by the way, love your baby piks.

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