Saturday, March 21, 2009

Yo'sea has joined the ranks of "Laugher"

Navajo Baby Laugh Party Defined:

"As weeks pass, adults wait and listen for the child's first chuckle — a sign of joy that signals his desire to join his earth family and community. In Navajo culture, it is believed that a child assumes the qualities of the person who witnesses, or coaxes, his first giggle. (So it might be wise to keep your less noble relations away!)

To commemorate this event, the laugh witness hosts an A'wee Chi'deedloh ("The Baby Laughed") ceremony. Guests, often bearing gifts, file past the infant with plates full of food. With help from the host, the baby holds out salt crystals for each of them. Placed on the food or tongue, the salt is meant to rejuvenate the good character in each recipient and serve as the first in a lifetime of generous acts by the child.

At the meal's end, either the host or a community or family elder blesses the baby, wishing him a life of generosity and gratitude."

Yo'sea's laugh party was a hit. Even though I was battling a cold, along with Yo'sea. She was blessed with many wonderful traits, from those that were in attendance. Yo'sea and I made a cake to be passed to our guests instead of Salt. We are soo 2009 :)

I hope my lil'one will benefit from the gathering of friends and loved ones, for such an event. I would love for her to grow up to be very generous, and eager to smile. Thanks again, to all those that came. If you have pics, please let me have them. I didn't take very many. For now here are some pics of the cousins and family that were in attendance!

Grandpa Chee and Yo'sea

Cousins Sienna, Mahonri, and Yo'sea

Cousins just 7 days apart.

Yo'sea and her Daddy!


Anonymous said...

Your baby is so blessed, I can see it in her eyes and her smile.

I found your blog while googling "chipoo" - I started reading your Feb 08 post, I couldnt wait to read what you chose as a pup.

Somewhere along the way I clicked "home" and found myself at March 21, 09 (Can you believe I squealed?) You had a baby! awww and such a wonderful little girl at that! I love her name, I love how you hold on to your heritage while living in the present.

You may not know it but your words are inspiring... "food storage, visiting teaching, family home evenings... callings" I have a guilty heart because I have let the hectic fast pace of the world interfere with my own responsibilities.

Thank you for sharing your online journal (yet another thing I have been slacking on) Thank you for sharing your joy and love. Thank you for reminding me of where true blessings come from.

Juanita in FLorida

Crystal said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful and if she's anything like mom, she'll definitely be all those wonderful traits you have hoped for.

BBC said...

so cute! i love this tradition! so who made her laugh?

Nakki said...

:) Thanks for posting. I love the pics and I'm she's happy to stay! We're more than happy to have her here. I missed out, the next one you'll have to make laugh closer to me:) Love you guys!

Trisha said...

so who made her laugh? I think that is an awesome tradition! So fun!

elesa said...

I love it. That is so cool. Thanks for sharing.

Maleina said...

So cute!!

Harold said...

isn't that just wonderful. we had my newest nieces first laugh when i visited in february. Monty's second child. always great to be with family. your family is starting out right. keep on keeping on.

Jamie said...

Awesome Jo! I love how your culture has so many neat things.

Jeremy Compton Family said...

She is so adorable. I love her cheeks and hair. Just Beautiful!

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