Saturday, May 30, 2009

Goodwill Hunting

We had two of Joseph's nieces staying with us for a couple of days. After they were dropped off with us, they realized that they would have to attend Church with us on Sunday.

Since, they weren't prepared for going to Church, they didn't pack any Sunday clothes. Joseph and I got the bright idea that we would go to the Goodwill to find them outfits to wear to church. They immediately stuck up there noses. They were not going to be caught dead buying other peoples hand-me-downs. Since, the only other option was to wear shorts and basketball shoes to church, they reluctantly agreed to go to the Goodwill.

I personally love the Goodwill, it makes me feel like I am doing a treasure hunt. I tried to pass on my enthusiasm to my nieces but they weren't convinced.
They reluctantly started looking for a Sunday outfit. It wasn't long before Joseph had the girls trying on all sorts of dresses. I swear we were there for HOURS. We had so much fun, plus we ALL found new stuff to wear.

The girls even got Joseph to try on a dress (sorry no pic). However, we now know, that Joseph looks like a drunk Native, when he THINKS he is dressing up as a hippy.

Yo'sea was even sporting a green boa for most of the time. She wanted to keep the Boa, but it reminded me of a anorexic Fraggle Rock character. So it didn't make it home with us.

I do wish I was able to get a AFTER pic of us all dressed up with our Goodwill clothes. Just, believe me when I say that we all looked HOT at church that Sunday. The best part about the entire thing was, we got an outfit each, and it only cost $23.00!

Here are a couple of pics of TWO of the items we found.

All in all we had a great time, the girls are in no hurry to get back to the Goodwill, but they did become alot more opened minded about the entire thing. It is good to be versatile every once in a while.

I can say, that we had a memorable Saturday afternoon there, and I look foreword to my next trip to the GOODWILL. Maybe one day THEYy might actually LIKE going there too. Who knows.


Nakki said...

Haha...that's hilarious! Love it! The girls loook soooo cute. Please tell me they wore the prom & wedding dress to church. And Yoyo, dons the feather boa well!

Crystal said...

I LOVE that prom dress. Did she end up getting it? hahaha!
My husband is AWESOME at Goodwill hunting. He always comes home with the best stuff right when we need it. I wanted a nice double stroller and within a week he came home with both a Baby Trends double jogger ($10) and a MacLaren Twin Triumph($5).

Andrea, Mrs. said...

From just looking at the pictures--it looks like you had a great time! And I agree--Joseph looks like a drunk. Hahahah!

Traci said...

HOW FUN I want to go do that, I love going to DI and finding fun stuff like that!! And Yosea is sooooo beautiful!!

Alona said...

Going to Goodwill is always an adventure. Great pics! Yo'sea is SO CUTE!

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