Thursday, May 28, 2009

Where do I live now?

Joseph and I are finally settling into our new place. We have a sweet little one bedroom apartment, in a nice section of town.

Which town do you ask? We now live in BULLHEAD CITY, AZ. Where is that?
The river is the dividing live between Arizona, Nevada, and California. The area we live is referred to as the Tri-State area.
So being in a new town, I love to explore and check things out. Do a check list of the PRO's and CON's of the area.

Her is my list thus far:
-These signs are all over the place. A little scary huh. Since this town is built around the river. If someone were to bomb the Hoover Dam, a good portion of the city would be under water. So many roads have the EMERGENCY EVACUATION signs, directing people uphill. Not like we wouldn't figure out, on our own. But that is nice of them to give us guidance. Still the words EMERGENCY and EVACUATION scare me.
- It is May and already averaging 110 degrees. Ugh
- Not a single fabric store or craft store in the area.
- I miss Costco :(
- I haven't heard of any Free Summer Concerts or Movies in the area. In Utah and Redding they had Free cool Art stuff like that going on. But with this heat I doubt anyone wants to be outside for too long.
- Laughlin is just across the River. (I"m not a Smokey Casino type of girl)
- Cell Phone Coverage on the Arizona side of the River is very limited. But on the other it isn't. (wierd)

- Swimming lessons are FREE for children under 12 (first come first serve)
- I have a shopping plaza here that I could live at, if needed. It has all the stores I need to survive ei. Target, Khols, Marshals, Cold Stone :), Lane Bryant, and others.
- Laughlin is just across the river (Buffets and Karaoke)
-We are alot closer to family, just 1 1/2 hours to Flagstaff, 6 hours to Utah, 4 1/2 to California and 8 to the BAY. :)
- I have had the joy of having family actually come and visit me.
-There is an Indian Clinic nearby. So for all my tiny aches, pains, dental work. I can run right over there. Which is NICE.
- We are just a Block away from the RIVER!

I am sure there is alot more for me to discovery while living here. But that is my PRO and CON list thus far. I am sure I will add to each, but that is the joy of living in a new place. All in all I am just happy to be closer to Joseph's work so we have more time with him.


elesa said...

i was confused at first because both lists say "PRO's". I can't believe there are no fabric stores there! It is a travesty of human rights!

Mel said...

How can you live in a place that gives me headaches here at work? CA phone, AZ address & some other states zip code? ;)

Hope you are well.

Nava_jo said...

Elesa, So there is now a CON'S section. And your right the NO FABRIC STORE thing is way to much to handle sometimes.

Mel- I feel like we have an identity crisis sometimes as well. This entire TRI-sTATE thing gets confusing. Even more confusing because AZ doesn't do Daylight Savings.

Mel said...

Wendell & I voted, you should at least call in & give us your correct info...and all others that live in your direct vicinity...

Nakki said...

Next time we jump in river, ok? Ok.

Alona said...

Fun adventure. We have those evacuation signs all over the Houston area - Hurricanes! Yikes!

Josh and Tawnya Begay said...

we need to come and visit!!!

Take a Voyage, One word at a time. said...

Pro: It only takes me 15 minutes to get home!

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