Monday, June 15, 2009

What children eat.

Joseph and I have been trying to keep "bad" food from Yo'sea's menu. We want her ingesting strictly "GOOD" stuff. We only give her Mothers milk, and her baby cereal. We have condoned a tiny taste of banana from her Aunty Naco. But that was about it.

UNTIL.... Family Reunion.

During family reunion, everyone had to be the first to give Yo'sea something to taste, that she has never had before. I had one cousin bring her back, and say, "You should of seen her go after those Fried Potatoes, she LOVES them!" I saw someone else give her a lick of candy, Joseph saw my brother Josh giving her a taste of a cookie, she had eggs and pancake for breakfast two days in a row. And at one point I look over at her and she is sucking on a SLAB OF BEEF. Yea, one cousin of mine thought she might like it. (she did)

Of course Yo'sea is a healthy happy baby and doing fine. It is somewhere written that extended family are giong to give your child something you don't want them to have. So my question to you is. What has family fed your child?


BRE said...

I gave lexi some frosty once and next stop was the er! Bad aunty bre!

Crystal said...

hahaha..."slab of beef".
Where's the picture of THAT? haha
Okay, we have an abundance of grandparents near by. It's almost a lose-lose situation for me.

Trisha said...

Yeah. Allori was basically not out of my sight for..well a long time. I left her with a babysitter for a short time at 18 months. Before that i was a bit of the food nazi. My family was pretty good at respecting what i wanted but wayne's family not as much. But they lived farther then so it wasn't an issue. She was sooo healthy until she was big enough to ask for stupid candy. I hate the candy now! I let her have some. I don't want to be the wierd parent (or her to be the wierd kid)that limits and refuses everything but that doesn't mean I have to like it. (I hate when they have a party at preschool or something and they let each kid have 27 cupcakes. I always make her something lke choc covered strawberries to take so its a treat but some healthy. lol) She still refuses to drink soda though which I love (she is 4 1/2).

Anonymous said...

When Tyler was about six months old I caught my aunt giving him Pepsi. He was SO little, I was pretty upset about it. My family has always been pretty bad about feeding the babies anything & everything.

Anonymous said...

Because I was blessed with an incredibly underweight child ( l lb 11 oz) we have had to do what is called power packing. It is feeding them anything and everything that is high calorie. So in his sweet potatoes we were adding butter or brown sugar for more calories. In peas it was butter and more butter. Now that he is older he won't drink anything that isn't fizzy so he gets soda. Its horrible. Sadly he is still underweight. 4 years old and not even 30 pounds. I am so glad that you guys are introducing it all slowly and having her enjoy the moms milk and the good stuff. Hopefully it will continue as she gets bigger

Nakki said...

The ER seriously Bri? Was she allergic or something?

Oh, and I feed my nieces and nephews nothing but an abundance of love....awwww.....:)

Traci said...

What is it about grandparents so eager to feed babies things that will hurt their tummies. They should know better, my grandma snuck a lollipop in Penina's mouth at 5 months I wasn't too happy about it but she survived so I didn't make an issue out of it lol!!

Ticklemedana said...

I'm with Crystal on the Slab of Beef! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That visual just made me howl...and I love that she was sucking on it...too freaking funny, Jo!

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