Friday, July 10, 2009

It is 2009 for goodness sakes.

We have done ALOT of driving this summer, visiting family So needless to say, we have seen our far share of Semi-Trucks.

One Semi truck company irritated me more then others. It was the NAVAJO EXPRESS COMPANY. There logo is
this Caucasian looking girl with blue eyes, dressed up like a Plains Tribal Native. Seriously, It isn't like I am totally offended because I am Navajo and there logo obviously isn't Navajo. I am just really embarrassed that in 2009, someone at their company couldn't GOOGLE a Navajo Women, in order to get a correct depiction of a Navajo women. Heck, I would even model for them. For a price of course.

If I were to name my company after a race, I would at least do some research on the race to see what my options were. Oh well, maybe there internet is down. Maybe they think all the old western movies were they had white people, paint there faces brown and put on fake buckskin, is actually how all Native American look like. Too bad for them.

Maybe I should Dress up in my Traditional Outfit, take some pictures, and stick it over the Blue eyed girl on all the Semi Trucks I see. HA! That would be funny.

P.S. and I wouldn't do that "no facial expression" face. I would put on a BIG OLE'CHEESY smile, and wait form someone to tell me all Natives should be Stoic looking. ;)


Dirtius Wifius said...

You would make a gorgeous model...

Jamie said...

Hey Jo you should email them a copy of your gorgeous mug. And tell them what you wrote here!

elesa said...

That logo cracks me up. I'm surprised they have actually managed to stay in business for 75 years!

Nakki said...

haha..I've actually never seen the "girl" in the logo. Lame. She looks more "little house on the prairie" if you ask me (they obviously didn't! hahaha).

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