Saturday, July 11, 2009

Library Activity Day

The Library here at Bullhead city, has alot of fun activities. Movies every Tuesday night, Activities every Saturday at Noon, Reading clubs, Contests and all sort of activities mostly geared to children. I know Yo'sea is young, but we like to go to the Saturday Noon activities. They are usually family oriented, and Yo'sea loves to see all of the children.
Today's activity was entitled "Fantastic Foods" I was thinking, we are going to a lesson on Good foods, and what to eat. But to my ( and the children) surprise, we got sacks full of Marshmallows, Preztles, Fruit Loops, and Candy.

The idea was to create something with your Food, then EAT IT! The kids were besides themselves. It is so funny to see how sweets will get the creative juices flowing. They also got prizes for there creations.

Before you know it, the children were busting out, Pirates, Castle (with drawbridge), Marshmallow walls, Dumbbells, Cars with wheels and all sorts of things. I also heard one kid going around, trying to trade his jellybeans, M&M's and whatever else he had for Gummy Bears. To occupy his Gummy bear Village. This kid needs to be a Car Salesmen one day. He was good at getting people to give up Gummy Bears, at one point he got some kids to give him FIVE Gummy Bears, to make up for the one BIG marshmallow he was giving him. HA!!

I am happy to say, Yo'sea escape with only a half eaten Marshmallow and a one Fruit Cereal in her mouth. The rest of the "Junk" went home for Dad to eat. But, not before, I made me some SWEET Aliens.


Fun time. :)


Crystal said...

Those are sweet aliens!

Melissa P said...

That is a pretty neat idea. I wish our little library did something fun for the kids. I loved the library in Vegas. They did a lot of cool stuff too. That is the advantage of big town vs. small town. They must have bigger budgets.

Nakki said...

You're a sweet alien.

Crystal said...

Hey, we're facebook buddies...might as well be blogging buddies too:) I'll add you to ours...and send me your email address so I can send you an invite since ours is private:)

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