Sunday, August 02, 2009

This is Yo'sea at three months.
Just her and Mahonri chillin on the blanket. They would actually stay put if we put them there. But now Yo'sea is all over the place. She still has that awesome smile, and she laughs alot more.
What a joy children are.

Man,where has the time gone? Seriously!


Nakki said...

Maybe they both should just moszy on down this way. I'd love a visitor:)

elesa said...

I love that no matter how much she gets tickled she just keeps staring at the camera!

Josh and Tawnya Begay said...

JOJO... we want more updates!!!! We miss yosea!!!

Veeda said...

I freakin' love her hair!

Kao said...

Way too cute! Yosea's hair is so cute. Nadia has 1/4 of what she has and she's 18 months old!

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