Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What do I want?

So my husband, asked me what I wanted for my birthday coming up in Dec. He asked me to make a list then he would surprise me from off the list. So I went to the computer, ready to make a bookmarked folder of "Things I want" and i was stumped.

I can't think of ANYTHING. Seriously, I kept thinking of things we NEED for the house, Yo'sea, or the new baby. I couldn't think of something for me. This has NEVER EVER happened to me before. It's weird. So i started thinking of things I USE to want. Like electronics, yea I wouldn't mind a cool new camera, or computer but we have a functioning camera and computer so what is the use of getting new ones? I thought of clothes, but i'm pregnant, I am honestly just waiting to have our other child, then I will focus on my own body. I thought of hair color or cool hair cut, but again I'm pregnant, and I just cut off all my hair (hormones? its hot here? Who knows why.) Software? I woudl love the Adobe Photoshop & Premiere Elements 8 but that is $160.00 not really in out Birthday present budget. I was even trying to think of my hobbies. My hobbies, have narrowed down to making stuff Yo'sea. Which isn't a bad thing, and i enjoy it.

Anyway, I don't entirely think it is awful, that I can't figure out something I do want for my birthday. But the Feminist in me is say, "YOU HAVE LOST YOURSELF!!" she is throwing up red flags, saying I am so absorbed in my family, that I have disconnect with myself to the point that I can't even think of a good birthday present for myself. While the maternal side of me is saying, You know we are happy, we have most everything we want. It isn't awful that I am thinking of my family, they are the focus of my life right now, and that isn't bad.

So, I am pretty sure there are things I want, I have just stopped thinking about them for so long, that I am now stumpped. My question to you all is WHAT DO YOU WANT? Maybe if I see what you want, It will jump start my brain into things I may want. THen when Joseph asks the same thing at Christmas, I won't be stumpped yet again!

Go head tell me, what do you want?!


Crystal said...

Have you browsed Amazon? I like their "wishlist" option because you can keep track of interesting things that way, whether or not you end up buying from there.

ps:Congratulations on baby #2!!!! I'm so glad I got to see you, even if only for a few seconds.

Josh and Tawnya Begay said...

I have the same problem, or maybe it just our mother instinct, instead of trying to work against it, why not work with it. Josh ask me the same question and I tell him, everyone get a brand new shirt, so we all go out and get one together and that simply makes me feel happy, or we all go out for icecream, or dinner, or go swimming together, grab a pizza (5 dollar) and go to the park, or check in a motel and hang have fun swimming, watching tv, and having fun, it does not have to be elaborate or expensive, whatever it is that makes you happy,or buy stuff you want to make for yosea,(that can be a gift to you) why not include everyone in your b-day gift!!!or maybe do a project together for the new baby coming up??

Andrea, Mrs. said...

What? A new baby! Congrats!!!!1

I told Mark this morning that I want a whole new set of "Tupperware" stuff--things that will all stack nice and neat. I'm tired of the stuff we have that doesn't all match and doesn't all stack nice.

Amy G said...

For my birthday last month my hubby asked the same thing and I told him I wanted cookbooks. I love cooking and trying new recipes. He kept apologizing after he gave them to me saying that it wasn't a fair present since I cook for him and the kids, but I was so excited! Being a mom is not losing yourself, it's gaining a whole new side you didn't know even existed.

Dezi & Brock said...

This may not be applicable to you, but I want some Underarmour, like the cool silk kind that doesn't bunch up under your pants when you're trying to stay warm. I want a few pairs actually, I'll be wearing them all winter. I'd also like a new jacket, that will keep me warm in -20 degree weather. Then I want some snow shoes, to get out in. I think we'd also like a bigger tent, Brock doesn't fit into mine, he's too tall, his feet stick out. I also want to order the easy papers from Byrd's Close To My Heart scrapbooking stuff so i can quickly scrapbook our adventures so far and not get behind. And I want their Christmas cards b/c they're adorable and stickers, super easy to make. Stick em together and you're done. Hmmmm, I would like your next baby! Haha, I think this is long enough. You can tell I'm not a mom. It's all for me!

Dezi & Brock said...

And i can't find anywhere else on your blog where you announce your pregnancy!! Congratulations! That's awesome!!!

Laura said...

Ok, so I had no idea your were expecting again, CONGRATS! I had to go back and double check the blog to make sure I didn't miss anything!!

Now, for what I would want. I have a HUGE list. First up is a stand-up deep freeze. Everything else is secondary to that. A set of at least 8 matching dishes. A cute new purse with enough room for MY stuff and a few diaper changes, sippy cups, etc. A nice big picture of Christ or the temple to put over the fireplace. Some one to come in and deep clean my house. New makeup. New kitchen utensils. Really the list goes on and on.

But what I really really really want is for my 3 year old to use the potty!

Crystal said...

Congratulations on baby #2! That's so exciting:) It's funny, how a lot of us mom's feel the same way. I think all year long I can name a million things that I'd want....but when my b-day comes around, or Christmas I'm always like, well I don't really need anything. But there's always something! For Christmas, I really want new kitchen stuff like pyrex bowls for mixing, and I want some new spatulas and spoons that look cute and that are quality, not that cheap-o stuff I got for a $1 that's all stained or melted now. haha. I got a crockpot for my bday and I love it!! I think as moms, our wants and needs have evolved...and it's interesting how now our wants incorporate everyone else's wants in our families! But you'd better want something...otherwise you might have a pretty lame bday. haha!

elesa said...

books. I always want books.
and i didn't know you are pregnant! how did I miss that? Do you know what you are having yet?

C. Merrill said...

What about a date night with just the two of you. Go somewhere really nice to eat, and find something fun to do.

That's what I wanted for my birthday. So my husband took me to a Utah game, and we had blast!

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