Monday, December 14, 2009

Death by Toliet

Yo'sea is up and walking, and with that walking she is now exploring all new area's of the house. One of which she particularly enjoys is the Bathroom. She loves to play in the toilet, to make confetti out of the toilet paper, and throw the contents of the drawers all over the place.

Because her new playground grosses me out! I now do my best to keep the door to the bathroom closed. Plus, it is hard to yell at her, when she walks in the room, wet from toilet water with a HUGE smile on her face. She honestly loves it. Too bad it is disgusting. BLAH!

So today, Joseph came home from work kissed both of his girls hello and went straight to the bathroom. I hear a scream ( a manly scream, of course) he lets me know there has been a murder in the house. THIS IS WHAT HE SAW....
Tragic, way to end a stuffed life. There will not be a funeral or a viewing, just know that while these stuffed animals were in our home, they were loved. Well, loved until they hit there watery death. Hopefully I will remember to close the bathroom door, to prevent more of the above from occurring. Man, these kids are tricky!


Josh and Tawnya Begay said...

i love your little one even more!!! What a character!!!

Mel Bernard said...


Crystal said...
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Crystal said...

haha! I'm so sorry for your loss.
It's amazing what little people can accomplish in the amount of time it takes to blink!

elesa said...

Oh, so sad. No matter how hard we worked to keep the bathroom shut, Harrison was always watching. And the minute we forgot he was in there flushing a whole roll of toilet paper down!

Laura said...

Yucky, the toilet does gross me out too. But the total worse is when you are out in public, and they start splashing around in a PUBLIC toilet!! Icky icky!

Veeda said...

AAAK! This is so crazy. Oh, kids. They are constantly surprising us.

Melissa P said...

That is too funny! I don't know what it is about kids and toilets. Every one of my kids went through the toilet phase.

Dezi & Brock said...

Hahaha! You need an outhouse! Problem solved!

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