Monday, February 15, 2010

What are those Child Labor Laws again?

Aug. 09 was a big month for us. Joseph was promoted to the MANAGER of his store. Which is something we have been wanting for a long time. The down side was that he got his manager fired, so that left him managing a store by HIMSELF. Which left Joseph putting in some LONG hours over the past few months while they hired on someone else.  
I  knew Joseph was hard up for some help. 
But, I had no idea he would stoop this low, to get some help.  
This poor child is probably not even two years old yet. Look how he as her running around trying to keep the store going! Granted she looks like she is very efficient, and those little legs seem to zip her around the store pretty fast.  But honestly, this can't be legal. I agree, she is cute enough to up the sales of the store, which would be helpful.   But, that is in no way, a good enough excuse, to employ such a young child.   Actually, I have no idea if he is even paying her! Who is this child's Mother?

Either way, I'm glad Joseph has actually hired on another employee. Maybe now he can stop exploding such young children to do his bidding!


elesa said...

I would hire her in a heartbeat. She looks like a hard, loyal worker. She is way too cute!

Crystal said...

She is SO cute, Joseph should get a pay raise.

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