Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Our first Banned Book

I wouldn't of thought I was one to believe in censorship when it came to quality reading materials. Seriously, I've read most of the classic BANNED books, and didn't think twice about them.  You would think, being such a free thinker, I would never try and CENSOR a book for my child, and at the very least BAN the book from my home. But have you read this book? Have you seen this book on sale at the local TARGET?

Yea, look at the cover. Sounds like a sweet book, about  a new baby. Looks very innocent. Oh! But, don't judge a book by it's cover. This book as been the cause of a household upset, weeping, wailing and even tears. All from just perusing their pages.   Actually, 95% of the book is pretty excellent and appropriate. It is just ONE section that has caused problems.

Can you believe the older brother has a "B-O-T-T-L-E" in his hands. In broad daylight, no less! 
How thoughtless can  Hideko Takahashi (Author of the book) be? I mean, we are weaning Yo'sea from the bottle right now, the mere sight of this page sends her berserk.  If  she were a recovering drug addict, I would show her a book with Blunts in it.   My first thought was to censor the book. 

You know just cover up the item that is causing all the mental anguish in my home.  I even tried skipping, this page, but Yo'sea was smarter then that. She would just go back and find the page to show me the desire of her heart. 
So after much, begging, whining, and crying. I have no decided to ban this book from the Yo'sea's bookshelf. I doubt she will  miss it, but I won't miss her, little fingers trying to grasp the bottle from the page, while looking up at me longingly. 


Trisha said...

hahaha! (Woah i just scrolled down to comment and saw your babycount down. 26 weeks an6 days. thats exactly the day i delivered cayde. can you imagine delivering today? crazy, right?)

elesa said...

That is so awesome. Having the big brother serve baby a pepsi would have been a way more interesting story.
A year after being weened Harrison is still interested in bottles, though at least they no longer make him cry. So sorry for your pain!

Melissa P said...

That is so sad! They are so smart these days. I love that the book is banned for a bottle. I was thinking it was something else.

Josh and Tawnya Begay said...

hahah!!! I seriously thought there was something terribly wrong with the book..( you guys crack me up), but good job with holding your ground and not giving her the bottle. I am not very good at those things. I usually give in. btw.. we are still waiting for pics of yosea in her outfit!!! can't wait!

BRE said...

HAHAHA! funny, very clever post. i love your photoshop abilities throughout your blogs!

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