Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bird Dance Dress

So I'm basically done with Yo'sea's Bird Dance dress. I just need to add some ribbon to the bottom of the skirt. The Bird Dance, isn't a Navajo Dance, or a Pow wow Dance, it is a dance that Natives here in the area do. Yo'sea's Grandma is Hualapai so I thought it was fitting for her to learn the dance.  PLus, I just want her to get use to dancing and being proud of her Native heritage.  So what does the Bird Dance look like? I'll show you with Youtubes help.  Here is a quick video

Here is Yo'sea's dress, for Friday.


BBC said...

so adorable! i love that you're teaching her young to dance!

JBizzle said...

Neat! I love the dance!! She'll have everyones attention for sure!!

elesa said...

So how is she doing on the dance so far? I hope you will post videos!

Teagan said...

Fantastic job, DIY master! Super cute. I could use a shirt like that myself...just in case you find your self with all this time on your hands :)

Cathy Duffy said...

She is so cute Jo! Isn't it fun watching little girls dance?

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