Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Have you seen this video?  Besides that fact that Fergie is trying to pull a Beyonce with the leotard, its not bad. Actually, it is more then "Not bad",  it was enjoyable and entertaining. I mean, who doesn't like BBoy Robots, dancing?

At around 6min and 29 Seconds Will.I.Am pulls out this gun that "ROCKS THAT BODY" and turns people and situation into awesome BBoys dancing away.  So my question to you is, if you had this gun who's body would you "Rock"?

I know who, I would shoot with ROCK.  Today when I was driving to pick Joseph up from work, there was this 40 something man, standing on the side of the road with cut off jean shorts, a cool t-shirt, sun glasses and sporting a LIGHT purple Jansport back pack. I would love to transform him into an awesome BBoy on the side of the road, I bet he would have some awesome moves with that Light purple backpack.

I'm pretty sure I would take the gun to church too, and shoot people with out everyone seeing what I was doing. Sacrament meeting would be so FUNNY!~ :)

Anyway, Who's Body would you ROCK?


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