Thursday, March 26, 2009

Daddy's Girl

Yo'sea has been hanging around us for the last three months. You would think she would start to feel like the third wheel. BUT, noooo. She decided she was up for the challenge, and I think she ended up stealing MY man, and I have become the third wheel! She is sneaky! If you ever hang out with us, I suggest you keep an eye on Yo'sea and a hand on your man.

:) I'm joking around, She is a joy. It is amazing how fast girls become Daddy's lil'girls. Joseph can be having a very junk day, or be made at something. All Yo'sea has to do is smile at him, and he melts into a big pile of Sweet Daddy goo. She is kind of magic that way.
He isn't the only one that enjoys her, I get my time too. But I actually love watching the two together. It has been so fun watching my Husband become a Dad . Same awesome dude, but different. Better. I love it!

Here are some pics to prove how Yo'sea is defiantly a "Daddy's Girl"
Bryce Canyon

Hanging out at Zions (I Love This Pic)

Checking out Petroglyphs in Thompson, Utah


Harold said...

love the new piks,

Andrea, Mrs. said...

This post made me think of something that Jessica [Taylor] from Ferron wrote on her blog just recently about her boys: "Each of my children have brought different challenges, and yet, different joys. I am always amazed how each child has made me feel more complete. And I didn't even know a piece of me was missing until I held that child in my arms. I feel the most myself when I am around my husband and my children." I think that might be what you AND your husband are experiences with Yo'sea. I love it!

Ticklemedana said...

yea! she's darling...and so cute...

Maleina said...

Too cute. I agree those little girls sure know the way to their daddy's hearts, and I love it!

Alona said...

I loved these cute daddy/daughter pictures! Priceless!

elesa said...

Oh I want to meet that little girl!

Kalley said...

Soooo cute.

Veeda said...

she is so stinkin' cute.

The Cook Clan said...

It is so prety down there! I love it! We went as a family a few summers ago. I'm giving Michelle and my fam you email to add you on and also giving them your blog.

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