Monday, May 18, 2009

My Dream ate it

So last night I had a dream about writing an incredible witty and intriguing blog. Seriously, in my dream, I even had a clever title for the blog.

This morning, I wake up and go straight to the computer to put all of these insightful, humorous words out for everyone to read. I sit down open up the blog post and *NOTHING* I'm blank. I can't remember what I was going to write. When I try to bring the image to my head, the blog is fuzzy and out of focus. The words are just out of reach. If I could just see the title, that would spark the memory to make it clear, but I can't.

My Dream must of tricked me. Or I need to be like those poets and writers that keep a notebook next to there bed. To write down all of their great ideas.

So all you faithful blog readers. I'm sorry, I apologize, for not getting this AMAZING dream blog post to wake up and see the light of day. Just know it was awesome and you would of LOVED It. :)


elesa said...

This happens to me all the time!

Andrea, Mrs. said...

Silly Jo!

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