Sunday, May 10, 2009

You know what they say...

The way to my heart is through my stomach. My husband has totally figured this out. For Mothers Day he out did himself. I woke up to a Shrimp Omelet, blueberry bagel and freshed squeezed grapefruit juice. :) I was totally surprised and my tasted buds wanted to kiss Joseph. ha!

It was served up with a Mothers Day Card that made me teary eyed. I swear the Hormones from my pregnancy totally made me a softy. I used to never get teared up. I guess, my cold callused single heart has been thawed out. I tear up on movies, books, watching my husband play with our lil'girl and tons of other events. I think it is a good thing.

By evening I thought I had, had a pretty good Mothers Day. When my husband starts cooking AGAIN. A bit later, he served me with a beautiful plate of SHRIMP TACOS. One of my favorite!

I honestly appreciate being a Mother, and I'm thankful that my husband went out of his way to make me feel extra special. But honestly, I am only the great mother I am because he is my husband. With out him to lean on for support in so many ways. I couldn't be as focused as a mother as I am. Plus, he makes up for alot of my faults which I totally appreciate. :) So today, has made me feel special, but it has also, helped me realize yet again, what a great Man I married. He really is my best friend. :)


Crystal said...

I loved that you had such a great day because of your great husband! (and of course your little girl)
Happy Mother's Day!

Dezi & Brock said...

This post was touching! I'm so happy that you're a mom, I am fully convinced that you're great at it too. Good job! Now get Naco to have one too so she can be just as good. haha

Nakki said...

After you Dez! Happy Mami Day Jo jo jojojo!

elesa said...

Ah. that is so sweet. when I became a mom I turned into a total sap too. EVERYTHING makes me cry.

Kao said...

The food looks soooo good! What a great guy you have. I can't wait to meet him....and your sweet Yo'sea. She's getting so big! Love the hair.

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