Friday, May 08, 2009

One bite at a time.

After much consideration (I swear, I have asked EVERYONE's advice). Joseph and I have started to feed Yo'sea Rice cereal a few times a week. The first week went fantastic. She was getting use to the spoon. She was swallowing, and openning up her mouth at just the right times..

Then we had a lil'trip to visit Aunty Naco. On this trip Yo'sea got a taste of Banana (VERY small taste). Since that time, when I try to feed Yo'sea her Rice Cereal, she tries to spit it out. Or she will turn her head, and keep her mouth closed. I tried several times and she just wasn't having it.

How can a mere child already understand that her Rice Cereal is tasteless and there is something else out there I could be giving her that would actually taste good? I guess she just has smart taste buds.

Since the Rice Cereal wasn't working, we graduated her to Oatmeal Cereal with Banana. This has so far been a big hit in the Romo household. Yo'sea is now attacking her spoon again.

My Lesson? DO NOT INTRODUCE any more items that are SWEET into Yo'sea's diet. Because she is just too smart!


Crystal said...

ha! Thanks to grammie, we skipped rice cereal and went straight to ice cream with both kids.
Ice Cream counts as a solid, right?

BBC said...

yo'sea is so cute! i love her chubby cheeks!

Jesse Harris said...

I've always heard you want to hold off on the sweet stuff because they'll refuse anything else later on.

Nakki said...

Yes! No more ice cream! And na-na's are good! Can't u put nana's in rice cereal too? Rice is good, especially with rice milk. Eat while wearing a rice patty picking hat. Nice....

Rochelle said...

She is soooo cute!!! Growing way too fast :p

129 days left til my "due date" lol

Andrea, Mrs. said...

Hahahah! What a funny little girl. And I LOVE that you already are braiding her hair. She's so pretty!

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