Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Yo'sea has had a lot of first in the last few week. One, she is eating baby cereal now. She loves it, and does a great job at keeping the food in her mouth. Two Yo'sea learned to turn over onto her stomach. She gets all happy when she turns over, then she realizes she can't turn back over, and is stuck on her stomach. At which point, she starts to cry. :) Three she got to meet her Aunt Leanna .Four she went camping. Five Saw her first movie. Six starting to use her baby sign, she does the sign for MILK, and Diaper Change. Seven swung on a swing set. Eight learned to blow raspberries. Nine had her first crush, seriously every time she sees Zach Efron, she coo's and kicks her legs. Ten has slept through the night (8 to 9 hours at a time).

Hmm, I think that is about it. She is growing so quickly, it is hard to keep tabs on her. Even though she can't talk yet she has learned to get her point across when she needs it. Yo'sea is honestly the coolest kid to hang out with on a daily basis. She is a happy baby, and keeps a smile on my face and Josephs. We can't say enough what a joy she is in our lives.

Oh and how could i forget. She found her fingers! I have tried to get her interested in something else. But her fingers are her best friends right now. I hope this doesn't turn out to be something I have to battle later on.


carly said...

SOOOO cute =)

elesa said...

The Zac Efron thing cracks me up!

Maleina said...

Five months really!?! Wow! She is adorable and sounds like a joy. They really do grow up so fast!

Joy said...

Love your kid, even though I've never met her.

Unknown said...

She's gorgeous lady!

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