Friday, July 17, 2009

What's in a name?

Names can be pretty significant at times. When I was born, my parents were surprised to get a baby girl instead of the baby boy, they THOUGHT, they were getting. So they started toying around with girl names. I guess I was nearly "Gayleen Begay" ! Instead, they decided to name me Joleen after my Dad. They had decided that a baby boy would be a Joe Jr, why not just make a feminine form of "Joe", and they ended up with Joleen Say'on'itso Begay.
But I think about what would of happen if they had decided on naming me Gayleen. Seriously, that name might of been common place and cool back in the 70's. But the word Gay, went from meaning Happy to Homosexual really fast. How would the name of Gayleen Begay changed how people reacted to me. And who would those reactions effect my personality? Or would it of effected me at all?

I think it would of. But I guess we will never know. I can tell you, how one name change effected me. Most of my Teenage, college age, and adult life. I went by the Nickname "Jo" . When I met new people I would introduce myself as, Joleen. But they would end up calling me Jo. I had no idea how attached I was to that name until I married my husband, Joseph. People are constantly shortening his name to, Joe. So, for my married life people started calling me my full name, Joleen. Man, this took alot of getting use too. I missed being called my nickname, and I had to learn to identify myself by my given name. Sounds silly, the change in name really was something I had to mentally, get over and use too. I was got a bit bit envious, when people asked for Jo, and I found out they wanted JOE not Jo. :(.

Since then I have another name, MOM. This name has also had an effect on me. It melts my heart when my husband uses it around my little one. Makes me feel important, and loved. This name has been very easy to get use too.

Anyway, I think Names do say alot about us, and in a small way shape our personalities. Even a nickname can give you insight to who you are or who people perceive you as.

So what about your name.. How did you get it? Do you like it? Do you go by a different name? What were some of your nicknames? How did you decide what to name your child? How did you feel about changing your name when you got married? (pain in the butt, huh! and hard to get use too. But it was all worth it for me). I'm nosey, indulge me. :)


Crystal said...

Good questions!
I have never really liked my name, but I am fond of most of the nicknames my friends and family call me.
I know of a few people that actually have the exact same name as their spouse (different spellings), so it's not just their nicknames that they share, but the ACTUAL name. When people call for them on the phone they have no other name to help differentiate who it is exactly they want to speak to.

carly said...

I was named after my mom's favorite singer, Carly Simon. My middle name is Simone. I love love love my name, and would love to name one of my daughters Simone (if I have more than one...) Had I been a boy, my name would have been Dylan Wesley.

Hedgepeth said...

Haha, my little sister's middle name is Galeen, pronounced the same as Gayleen. My mom was going to name me Emily, but my father liked the name Tiffany. My grandma named my little girl To'ahani, it's my maternal clan, Near to the Water. Everyone pronounces it the biligana way.

elesa said...

I loved this post. I never had a nickname growing up, and I always kinda wanted one. It is only since I graduated from Highschool that people started calling me "E". And I like it! Nicknames are nice. It feels like a little term of affection every time someone uses it.

C. Merrill said...

This is a good post "Jo". My uncle named me, I don't know where he got the name from, but I like it. I never did when I was in grade school, but as I got older I've learned to love my name. I can't remember what my parents wanted to name me, but when I do i'll let you know. I have several nicknames I grew up with, one is my navajo name which I can't spell, but in the biligana way it means skinny girl,haha, I never liked being called that but I got used to it, my husband will alway ask what are they calling you? haha. One of my uncles always calls me Fancy Face, I don't know why and he still does to this day.

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