Thursday, September 03, 2009

D.I.Y.- Hair Clip Organizer

I have been making hair clip's for Yo'sea. Which I am proud of, but I have no place to store them. I have tried a drawer, but they get all thrown together and it is hard to find the clip I want, when I want it. I saw this frame idea online, and I decided to make it.

Here are a few pics, of the process.

Step One- Find an Old Frame,
cut some material to fit, and then
Mod Podge, the fabric to the frame.

Step Two - Turn the frame over,
Mod Podge, the fabric to the back too.

Step Three-
Let the Fabric
dry, on the Frame

Step Four - Add fabric, to the
Cardboard backing of the Frame.

Step Five - Position the Ribbon.

Step Six - Turn the cardboard
over, and glue, the ribbon down.

Step Seven - Finished Product.

Just hang it up, and add some clips!


Crystal said...

Oh CUTE!! What a great idea! I am always losing Chenoa's clips and bows. It drives me crazy. What a cute solution!! I'm going to have to make one of these:) Thanks for sharing!!

Nava_jo said...

Crystal, if you make one, put up some pics! I would love to see it. There isn't a fabric store where I live. Crazy huh! So I had to use whatever fabric I had on hand.

Amie said...

That's a great idea! REALLY cute! :) I love the fabric you used.

Mel Bernard said...

I love it!! You made it look so easy to make too. I think I will give it a try..... thanks!!!

Josh and Tawnya Begay said...

Awesome Jojo... I hope you have my name for Christmas!!

elesa said...

The fabric on the frame is such a great idea. I always forget how awesome mod podge is.

Maleina said...

way cute!!! you are so creative!

Laura said...

Oh, I love the fabric idea. I have TONS of frames that I pick up at yard sales, and thanks to you, I now know what I will be doing with them to make them similar -- fun fabric!!! Thanks!

Melissa P said...

That is so cute! I need to make one of those for my little girl. It would work great for barettes too. I am thinking that is in my plans. Thanks for the idea.

Cathy Duffy said...

wow!! I LOVE the idea and it looks so cute on the wall. you are so talented!! I'm going to have to attempt to try...

Nakki said...

mm....just cute. And it fits perfect in that little niche.

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