Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sick Kidlet

So our oldest Kidlet is sick. :( Poor Yo'sea had a fever yesterday before our ward party and trick-o-treating. We didn't have the heart to make her stay home because she has been so excited to "get kangy" since we had a practice Trick-o-Treating at Joseph's school earlier in the week.  So I did what ever good mother would do, and I gave her extra cold and fever medicine so she could enjoy the afternoon. It worked. :)  She had her fun, and she wasn't too groggy, we got her home just before it all hit her again. Got her in bed for a good nights rest. She seemed alright enough to go to church this morning, but as soon as we got there she started heating up again. Poor little one, we ended up missing the last hour of church because she needed to come home,  this is a pic of her sitting on the couch watching her favorite cartoon.

She spend the rest of the day in her Dad's arms and watching cartoons, while I catered to her every little need. I'm so thankful for Parents who babied me when I was sick and I was glad to do the same to my little one. I hope she gets better soon, or at the very least doesn't share her germs with her younger sister. :) Because the only thing worst then having a baby sick is having TWO babies sick.  :(


Amy G said...

So I'm glad I'm not the only mom who took a sick kid to all the Halloween festivities! What a crummy day to get sick. Hope she feels better soon!

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