Monday, February 07, 2011

Why do they keep me around?

Seriously why do the girls even keep me around?  This morning I woke up, walk into the girls room and this is what I found.

Allea enjoying a morning bottle provided by her big sister Yo'sea. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. The other day I found them both in the crib enjoying mandarin oranges, another time I found them with Cheerios.
  I guess I should be thankful that in my absence Allea would never starve. But makes me wonder,if Yo'esa has zero faith in me, and decided to take matters into her own hands or are her Mommy intincts so good she just wants to help out.  Either way, I guess I need to wake up earlier because who knows what else Yo'sea will feed them next!


carly said...

SO cute! My mom said I did that too when I was little (Berni and I are 18 months apart)...they are such beautiful girls!

Myla said...

wow! Sooooo cute!

Dezi & Brock said...

Adorable! They keep you around to drive to the store and BUY the milk and Cheerios and orange yazhi's! Haha

Josh and Tawnya Begay said...

I think its time for an update!

chic Gucci shirts said...


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