Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hoop dance class

Yo has been going to a Native Hoop Dance workshop for the last two weeks.  She is only two so I didn't expect  any fancy dance moves or even for her to listen well.

 I did  however want her to be exposed to the vibe of the entire dance.  But to my surprise she really liked it. She did her 2yr old best to follow along.  Allea and I had fun watching her. Then when we would get home Yo would ask me to drum and sing while she hoop danced. Allea couldn't help but join in.  Watching my children learn something new and then add there own creative vibe on it is awesome. I love these little people, they are a joy to be around.



stacer said...

So cute! Looks like she'll be an expert in no time.

Josh and Tawnya Begay said...

for two weeks!!! gee if I'd know i would of been there!! i thought it was just for a week!! yoyo doin great!

Melissa P said...

That is so cute. That is amazing to see the little kids doing the dances.

Chalom said...

You have cute kids, great work u doing!

Nakki said...

She's got talent! Take that Justin Beiber!

elesa said...

Wow, I can't believe they teach kids so little. So awesome and cute.

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