Saturday, February 06, 2010

Nude, well close enough

In the summer it is soo unbelievable hot here, that Joseph and I got use to shedding all of our outer clothing and walking around in our Skivvy's, while in the house. Since that time, we got into the habit of running around in the house in our underclothes. Which isn't that much of a problem, being that we are in the privacy of our home, and Yo'sea is pretty young still.

But there is one area that just bugs. Several times Yo'sea has been doing something super cute, so I grab the camera or video camera, and I want to capture the moment. But i end up getting Joseph in the pics with only his underclothing. And no matter how cute Yo'sea looks, Joseph doesn't want any one seeing him with out clothes on. Such a PRUDE! :)

I once tried to Photoshop a Colored shirt or something on him so I could show the masses my awesome pics. But it just ended up looking creepy. I have tried, cropping the pic down to see my cute smiling baby, or the adorable baby sleeping in someones arms. But again it just doesn't look right. A few times, we have wanted to take video so one of use will throw on some clothes , only it was too late and the MOMENT was gone.

So what have we learned? It feels good to be FREE of clothing, but we sacrifice family photo time. The only remedy I see is to actually stay clothed when we walk through out door. It will be tough, but I think we can do it.

PS. IF we have people over we actually keep our clothes on in the house. You are very welcome.


carly said...

LOL you are so funny =) We have a couple of "those" pictures, too.

elesa said...

We have this problem too! And now Harrison is getting old enough that I am starting to feel like I need to wear clothes just for HIS sake. But Richard? He just never wears pants. And I don't think he is going to. For him, that is the joy of being home.

Josh and Tawnya Begay said...

josh does the same thing, but I also found out he also does it to avoid doing other things that require him to work or move around. He say, Tawn, I can't get it I am in my g's!!" oh.. esp after work..hehehhe I learned I have to ask him to do things before he strips to his g's... lol

Crystal said...

lol. Jo,send me a photo, I'll put a shirt on him for you.

Nava_jo said...

Crystal did you just request to see a pic of my Husband in his G's? Ha, ha! I'll look through them and see what I can send ya!

Crystal said...

lol, Jo. PURELY service oriented offer. I promise to close my eyes while I Photoshop him.

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